
Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Talk at the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History

I am thrilled to have been invited to do a talk on September 23rd at the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History in Pacific Grove, California as part of their Hardcore Natural History Speaker Series. 

The idea came about in a conversation with the museum's director of education and outreach, Liese Murphree relating to their wonderful new "Changes" Exhibit. The year-long speaker series is focused on changes in Monterey County habitats over time, the impact of humans in these landscapes, and the role of humans in protecting them for the future. 

Photography plays an important role in conservation and I look forward to discussing how it has shaped my own personal journey both as a photographer and resident of this incredibly beautiful part of the world.  I hope you can join me!  

Learn more and REGISTER HERE

Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History