
Thursday, November 3, 2022

Return to the White Continent!

After two long years of no overseas work, in December, 2021 I was thrilled to finally make a return visit to the bottom of the world on a seven week assignment with Albatros Expeditions. This was my first contract with the renowned tour operator who are based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Albatros Travel Group has been around for a very long time, but their polar expedition side is relatively new. 

I was both excited and intrigued to work for a new company on one of their new Polar vessels, Ocean Victory. The vessel is part of a brand new generation of low-energy vessels, with 4 diesel engines and 2 electro engines, all controlled electronically to optimize speed and fuel consumption.

Over the course of seven weeks, I crossed the notorious Drake Passage seven times! We visited the South Shetland Islands, the Antarctic Peninsula and even crossed the Antarctic Circle. Fate led us into the Weddell Sea to avoid bad weather where I saw my very first emperor penguins! We also visited the beautiful Falkland Islands and South Georgia Island, which also happens to be one of my favorite places on the planet. 

Travel to these wild and remote places is an experience like no other and for many, a once in a lifetime trip. Here are some of my favorite photographic moments.

Juvenile Emperor Penguins

Juvenile Fur Seal

Charlotte Bay, Antarctica

Peale's Dolphins

Light-Mantled Albatross

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